Inclusive learning atmosphere

At RCPS, all students, regardless of any challenges they may have, are placed in age-appropriate general education classes to receive high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports that enable them to meet success in the core curriculum.   The Inclusive  Learning Programme is based on our mission statement, to cater to each learner’s individual needs. All students need the opportunity to have learning experiences in line with the same learning goals.

The school and classroom operate on the premise that students with disabilities are as fundamentally competent as students without disabilities.

Inclusive Learning Programme   for Learning Disabled Students 

Learning disabilities include problems with perception of space or sounds, or of numbers or letters (dyscalculia and dyslexia); forming letters (dysgraphia); processing memory; attention disorders; motor coordination; following verbal directions; or separating literal from metaphorical ideas.  Most of these students can learn  with  the help of specific strategies and techniques to compensate for their underdeveloped skills.

Teachers at RCPS  uses  various Inclusive Learning techniques  to help  challenging students. They are  Peer-supported learning  in the form of pair-work, cooperative grouping, peer tutoring, and student-led demonstrations. Teachers act as moderators, addressing individual questions and concerns and stepping in to help the students retain their focus if the problem seems too large.

  • Remedial teaching after the class.
  • Using a large print version of a test .
  • Make use of assistive technology.
  • Using graphic organizers to present information.
  • Repeat written instructions aloud.
  • Allow students to take parts of a test separately.
  • Break down parts of a project into smaller assignments.
  • Extra explanation about the learning content.
  • During a test Teachers help the student to read the question papers.